
Creating a vision for a superstructure exo-facade, amplifying urban perspective via large-scale reflection.

Exo-Burj is a site-specific installation interfacing with the Burj Khalifa tower in Dubai as the primary central element. In the spirit of exploring creative potential in the public realm, Exo-Burj aims to create a fluid urban ambience by suspending a reflective fabric material around the 828-metre tower, complementing the structure’s reflective facade.

Large-scale art.Super-structure. Thought experiment.Exo-facade.Reflecting reflection.Novel perspectives.Reflective amplification.Visual fluidity
Exo-Burj is mainly comprised of a reflective super-lightweight and semi-transparent fabric, suspended from a support structure from the top of the tower.

The proposed support structure is fan-shaped, circling the Burj Khalifa with the main connection point stemming from the tower’s spire. Visitors would not only be able to view the temporary installation from a distance—which would reflect the tower and its surroundings—but also walk up-close and experience the installation first-hand.

The end-result would amplify the visual perspectives of the city’s skyline, augment the tower’s symbol as an urban centre of gravity and create an artistic atmosphere on a vast architectural scale.